30021 Tomas suite 210 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF)
Benefits of PEMF therapy include stimulation of the cells and increased ability to heal. This has various health benefits, such as faster recovery and more resilient cell functions. PEMF aims to improve cell-to-cell communication and facilitates such communication's growth without altering cell functionalities
SCENAR (Self-Controlled Energo-neuro Adaptive Regulator)
The SCENAR machine is held against the body and emits short electromagnetic pulses or waves, which travel along the central nervous system to the brain. The pulses are very similar to the body’s nerve signals so the brain reacts by producing neuropeptides and endorphins, which reduce the sensation of pain.
Unlike painkillers, which stop the brain from trying to address the source of the pain through healing, SCENAR doesn’t mask pain. It works with the brain and central nervous system to produce mediators, hormones and other chemicals to redirect the body’s focus onto the painful condition or injury and encourages it to heal itself.
Halo Light Therapy
The Halo Light laser uses light energy to transfer unique biotanicals into specific locations in the body. It is used to reduce pain, swelling and inflammation, and takes 4 minutes or less.
The NormaTec PULSE Recovery System consists of a compression device that surrounds your arms, legs, or hips. These compression units then utilize compressed air to massage your limbs, leading to mobilized fluid and faster recovery and recuperation following intense exertion.
Rife Machine
Rife machines were invented in 1920’s by Royal Raymond Rife. They deliver low electromagnetic waves, like radio waves, through the hands or feet. The suggestion is that all medical conditions have an electromagnetic frequency, and that this machine will deliver pulses at the same frequency, to disable diseased cells.